Kennedy’s first involvement with ZCCD was for a SADZA event in 2016 as he came as a guest speaker during an event. Four years later he assisted in the early stages of constructing a new Board of Directors for the new transitioning space for ZCCD, - SADZA SPACE.

Kennedy is an international human rights attorney. He has worked in the human rights field developing communities for over a decade. His dedication in ensuring the right to dignity, equality, and peace in Zimbabwe made him to be one of the leading human rights defenders of his generation. His creativity in tackling problems and finding solutions affecting marginalized communities earned him recognition in Zimbabwe and abroad.
In 2014 & 15 respectively he was conferred with the two human rights awards. Kennedy has been identified by the United States' flagship program of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) as one of Africa’s emerging young leaders. He has also been invited to Europe as a special guest of the European Parliament and the European Commission after being identified as a promising young leader and opinion-moulder from a country outside the European Union. Kennedy is currently based in Dallas, Texas and works as a paralegal for Berry Appleman & Leiden (BAL) LLP, one of the world’s leading business immigration law firms and ranked #1 in the United States.
Kennedy Masiye pictured wearing a hat in teh center of image getting ready to talk at a ZCCD event. ▶