ZIMBABWE CULTURAL CENTRE IN DETROIT’Smission is to educate, archive, & promote the arts & culture of Zimbabwe. We continuously strive to encourage strong ties between culture-producers & residents in Zimbabwe, Detroit, & abroad, acting as catalysts for critical artistic production as well as cultural exchange between communities.



Events + Exhibits / Pimp my Shoes

SOUL TO SOLE: an upcycled fashion, interactive art event by Masimba Hwati in collaboration with Halima Cassells and Bryce Detroit on Oct. 29, 2015 at Popps Packing, Hamtramck.

Masimba Hwati's workshop at Detroit community high school in Brightmoor by invitation through Brightmoor Makers Space run by artist and educator, Nick Tobier. The project is to built upon existing shoes and take ownership of your own identity through shoe culture.