ZIMBABWE CULTURAL CENTRE IN DETROIT’Smission is to educate, archive, & promote the arts & culture of Zimbabwe. We continuously strive to encourage strong ties between culture-producers & residents in Zimbabwe, Detroit, & abroad, acting as catalysts for critical artistic production as well as cultural exchange between communities.





In 2016, Chido Johnson at the College for Creative Studies, together with Dr. Biggie Samuenda and Mr. Julius Nyamubaya from Chinhoyi Universty of Technology started the first exchange between the two institutions. The Class begain offsite in January 2016 and physically onsite in June 2016 for three weeks. During the exchange, students collaborated with their peers and produced work based on their personal research.
▲ Getting ready for DETZIM 18, a gathering at the Zimbabwe Cultural Centre in Detroit by members of the organization, research residents, previous DETZIM 16 participants and friends. 

▲ DETZIM 2016 - (Left to Right), Jessie Glander, Rachel Magadhi, Tariro Kamangira, Cythia Chimanga, Nyasha Chigama, and Manal Shoukair. Students from College for Creative Studies (USA) and the School of Art and Design at Chinhoyi University of Technology (Zimbabwe) at Christmas Pass, Mutare, Zimbabwe.
▲ Students and instructors from the College of Creative Studies and Chinhoyi University of Technology at Great Zimbabwe Ruins, 2016.

▲ Conductor - Chido, picture by Kristian Chanel, 2016.