ZIMBABWE CULTURAL CENTRE IN DETROIT’Smission is to educate, archive, & promote the arts & culture of Zimbabwe. We continuously strive to encourage strong ties between culture-producers & residents in Zimbabwe, Detroit, & abroad, acting as catalysts for critical artistic production as well as cultural exchange between communities.





Jessie Glander participated in DETZIM 2016 where she collaborated with Racheal Magadhi who was a student at the time in the department of Art and Design at Chinhoyi University of Technology in Zimbabwe.was born on June 27, 1995 in Michigan and has lived there her entire life. She has always had an attraction to the creative world, experimenting with many mediums throughout life until realizing that photography was what she felt most passionate about. Jessie gets her passion for the creative world from her parents, her mother an amateur photographer and father a musician. She jokes that she was born in a darkroom. Another building passion in her life was her craving for knowledge and heart for adventure. She dreamed to one day combined her passions as a future carrier. Her journey began when she received a Minolta Film camera, which was her first camera. It was passed down to her mother by her grandmother and then to her. Jessie was a self-taught photographer before attending College for Creative Studies, working to obtain a Bachelors of Fine Art’s degree with a concentration in photography.
◄ Racheal and Jessie (Right) working in a screen together at Dzimbanheta Artist Village, Harare 2016, Picture by Kristian Chanel.

A collaborative project between Rachael and Jessie, digital image, 2016 ▶