ZIMBABWE CULTURAL CENTRE IN DETROIT’Smission is to educate, archive, & promote the arts & culture of Zimbabwe. We continuously strive to encourage strong ties between culture-producers & residents in Zimbabwe, Detroit, & abroad, acting as catalysts for critical artistic production as well as cultural exchange between communities.





Nyasha Madamombe participated DETZIM 2016 collaborating with College for Creative Studies student, Brianna Williams. In 2018 she was curated into an exhibit titled Musimboti featuring four students from that exchange at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Mutare. Madamombe was born in Harare. She is a versatile artist whose work derives inspiration from her surroundings and uses everyday experiences that are relatable but also thought provoking.
◄ Nyasha Madamombe at her graduate studio at University of Tennessee in Knoxsville, 2018.

A background in drawing has set a firm foundation that has allowed her to comfortably cross over into other mediums. A third year student on industrial attachment at the Chitungwiza Art Centre, were she is specializing in stone sculpture. Simultaneously, she is attached with Nafuna TV in Harare, were she is learning digital animation. In 2014, she was in the Zimbabwe Fashion Week Young Designer's Program were she was one of the top ten finalists and showcased her first collection. She was also commissioned to create and paint two murals at the Chinhoyi University School of Art, in 2015 and 2016.
Her stone work will be showing as part of a group exhibition in November 2016 in Michigan, USA as a collaborative effort between CUT(Chinhoyi) & CCS (Detroit). She received her Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at the Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) in 2017 and is now finishing her MFA studies at University of Tennessee in Knoxsville.
▲ Nyasha working in stone for DetZim, 2016, picture by Jessie Glander.