Jonni Paige participated in DETZIM 2016 and was teamed up with Sandra Chari who was a student at Chinhoyi University of trechnology at the time. She also particpated in an event at MOCAD in 2019 titled State of Flux: ZIM to DET. In 2020 she became voluntered to model the work by Zimbabwe fashion designer, Tanga from Tambira Lab in Harare.

◄ Jonni Paige (middle) sharing her experience to the National Gallery School of Visual Arts and Design in Zimbabweon what young artists in Detroit experience. Pictured next to her on the left is ZCCD co-founder, Kumbulani Zamuchiya, 2016.

▲ Cynthia and Kristian (Right) working in a screen together at Dzimbanheta Artist Village, Harare.